
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Lots of news

We had Hannah all day yesterday. Grandpa picked her up while I waited for the plumber to come and install the new furnace. The old one was 35 years old and just died. We hung around the house until the installation was complete. Hannah practiced her oral report on Neptune and added more items to her on-line wish list for American Girl. Then we went to Borders and I Hop.

I go in for surgery on my little finger tomorrow. I hope to be back to work on Wednesday, but I'll have to wait and see. In June, I am going to have to have surgery to remove cataracts in both eyes. This medical stuff is freaking me out. I guess this what happens when you turn 60.

This is the last weekend of the Maryland Faire for the year. I think today must have set a record. I have never seen so many people. We are planning a trip in November to the Carolina Ren Fest. Cindy will be coming with us.

Here are some pictures of Hannah. She is working hard at the computer. Seamus decided that she didn't really need a nap.


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